What if I told you it was possible to make games in 0 hours?
Crazy, right? It's actually completely possible, with some stretch of the imagination. The
0h Game Jam does it by starting development right before daylight savings time changes, and using the extra "turned back" hour to make their game in what would, in fact, be zero hours.
If you can successfully pull that off, stop reading now; you're certainly much more experienced than me and won't benefit much from this. For the rest of you, here's some tips on how to design a game, from start to finish, in 72 hours. You'll find that it's actually a generous amount of time.
Quick note: I've included a small list of tools useful for speed-dev at the bottom of the post. Go check them out, maybe.
1. Know the tools you're using, at least a little.
This is fairly obvious but worth stating. If you haven't used a language before, you're going to run into quirks. No exceptions.
As a start, build a platform engine or a shoot-em-up. Get an idea of how the structure would work.
Some things to know first: