It's called The Bleed Man.
He bleeds. |
The online Artificial Intelligence and Database class started out and here's what I think.
AI is so much more interesting and it taught four algorithms in the first unit, all of which are useful for AI in games etc (breadth-first, depth-first, uniform-cost, and A*) as well as basic concepts like heuristics etc. Very very cool stuff.
Meanwhile I almost fell asleep doing DB but it looks more practical.
Entered my first Public Forum Debate tournament on Tuesday with a friend and we won 2-0. I screwed up the end of both speeches but went well overall. Resolution was "Resolved: Private sector investment in human space exploration is preferable to public sector investment." Have another one Saturday. Sort of worried.
Made a lot of progress on Kingdom but now it's slowed down because of just so much stuff to do augh.
The bleed man is epic.